Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Apartment!

As some of you, or most of you, probably know my good friend Alicia and I just moved into a new apartment just a few weeks ago! We're finally pretty much settled in and i'm so glad that the move is over. The living room is pretty bare with furniture right now but the other rooms are jam packed full of more than we could ever need! We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives to help us move and give us what we need!

The Roommate: Alicia!

The Kitchen!!

The Bathroom with Shower Curtain we're oh so proud of haha!!

My Room!

Monday, October 5, 2009

So here it is: my first post! A couple of weeks ago in one of my classes the professor strongly urged each of us to create a blog and begin to use it as our creative outlet. A big part of our class is fluid intelligence and creativity so she wanted us to start doing something, anything as our own personal outlet. Although I love scrapbooking, it requires a lot of time and sometimes I go months without even picking up a scrapbook. So I decided that I would give this a try as she suggested. We'll see how it goes, but hopefully it will go well!

About Me

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Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Hold o’er my being absolute sway! Fill with Thy Spirit ’till all shall see Christ only, always, living in me.